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What is Cannabis Ruderalis: Everything You Need to Know

It is likely that you have heard of Indica and Sativa but one of the other types of cannabis you may not be too familiar with is the ruderalis variety.  This is a species that is known as a feral kind of marijuana. The plant’s name Ruderal means that it grows in the wild and this is a botany term. This type of cannabis that can grow in elevated climates with ease. The only real stipulation that prevents it from growing is that it cannot be in competition with other types of plants.

Cannabis ruderalis is a plant that is common near roadsides as well as in agricultural land and it has a deep history as being a popular choice for people to use as their first experience with marijuana.

This strain was originally created in Russia and it spread to adjacent areas such as Afghanistan, China, Pakistan and Mongolia. The strain is not overly common in the Western Hemisphere and it’s often used for a few different reasons.

Ruderalis strains are different from the other two strains, they don’t produce the cerebral high or the lethargic effects. They contain a very low amount of THC and only some CBD. This type of cannabis is not overly useful for a medical or recreational. It is extremely useful for producing items like clothing, fabrics and more. Even though it isn’t concentrated enough to produce CBD oil or other benefits, it is widely used in hemp products and other cannabis improvements. Cannabis Ruderalis is the same plant life he has benefits which are extremely different and highly useful in their own way.

If you are interested in learning more or finding out about the uses of ruderalis, take a look for it in areas where cannabis is not required for a medical need.

This post was written by Flo Sugyatno, operations manager of LOCAL’d and cannabis expert. LOCAL’d is a helping hand to the companies that strengthen your community in the Washington, DC area. Helping them to grow through financial and promotional support, LOCAL’d is a Washington DC weed delivery service!

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