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Filing a Paragard Lawsuit: Why Work with a Lawyer?

The Paragard IUD has been on the market since the 1980s. However, it has made headlines for lawsuits that claim it can break and imbed in other organs. The medical product is made up of a plastic base with a copper wire wrapped around it. The copper produces a reaction that creates an inflammatory reaction in the uterus, interfering with the sperm. It is designed to offer birth control up to ten years and must be implanted and removed by a medical professional. 

What Many Women are Saying about Paragard IUD

Women who filed a Paragard lawsuit claimed that the manufacturer of the device failed to warn them about the possibility of breakage. Also, the alleged the company misrepresented the product as safe and effective even if it was defective. 

Women can be severely injured during the removal of the device. During the process, pieces of the IUD can break or fracture, requiring additional surgery that can be extensive and painful. In some cases, breakage can require a follow-up hysterectomy. 

Do you Qualify for a Paragard Lawsuit?

If you were implanted with a Paragard IUD and developed symptoms or complications associated with the device, you could be eligible for a lawsuit. Complications can include injuries from the device fracturing during removal, complications from an ectopic pregnancy, or uterus perforation. You can also file a lawsuit when you experience other symptoms such as pelvic inflammatory disease and excessive bleeding. If you used the IUD as prescribed by a doctor and suffer from any of these complications, contact a ParaGard lawyer today to know your legal options. Once you have a lawyer to represent you, they will start establishing a case to prove that liability for your injuries and losses fall on the product’s manufacturer or other parties involved. The lawyer will collect evidence to show liability, evaluate damages you have incurred because of the injury, and work so you can get the compensation you deserve. 

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