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Working with a long-term disability lawyer: An overview 

You are unable to work because of your health conditions and want to file for long-term disability (LTD) benefits. While this may seem like an easy task, the whole process of filing the claim is inherently complex, especially if you have employer-provided group coverage. Just one mistake or a missed deadline can impact the benefits you get from long-term disability insurance. Working with a skilled Colonial life disability claims lawyer can help your case in many ways. In this post, we are discussing hiring a long-term disability lawyer and the benefits you can expect. 

The role of your long-term disability lawyer

In cases of Employer-provided LTD insurance, the whole system is governed by Employee Retirement Income Security Act, simply called ERISA. It is absolutely important to adhere to the deadlines and complete due formalities for ensuring that the claim is accepted. An experienced long-term disability lawyer can guide you with every aspect so that you are not denied of benefits you are entitled to. 

When to hire an attorney?

Ideally, you should contact an attorney for your disability case as early as possible. If you are unable to work and believe that you have a valid claim, consider talking to a skilled lawyer to know the steps that must be followed. Most long-term disability lawyers work on a contingency basis, but there can be variations to that. However, the first consultation is usually for free, and you can expect them to offer a complimentary case evaluation. If you quit your job and try to file your claim, there is a chance that your claim will be denied, as employer-provided LTD policies often have the clause that coverage ends with the end of employment. Many times, workers also end up accepting a job that doesn’t pay as much, and this can impact their long-term disability claim. 

Talking to an attorney

Remember that insurance companies are not on your side when it comes to long-term disability claims. Eventually, these are for-profit companies, and they would want to reduce their financial liability to the best possible extent. Your long-term disability lawyer will work in your interest, take an aggressive approach when necessary, and help with everything else that will get you the benefits you deserve. Your lawyer can see through the complicated forms and formalities that insurance companies often use, and they can ensure that your evidence is strong enough, right from the start. 

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